• Jeux 01
  • Jeux 02
  • Jeux 03
  • Poliorcétique 01




As part of a guided tour, I am able to propose different animations that can enrich the mediation:

  • Discovery of the siege war in the Middle Ages.
    With the help of models of the various engines (mangonel, trebuchet...), I present the evolution of this science that we call poliorcetic, the art of besieging a stronghold.
    Mixing technical data (accessible to all) and anecdotes, this animation perfectly completes the visit of a fortified castle, for example.
  • Torchlight retreat.
    In complete safety, I propose to organize (when the site allows it) a torchlight visit and increase the pleasure of discovery in the mystery of the night.
    Children will be provided with electric torches, so that they too can enjoy the pleasure of the night without putting themselves in danger.
  • Dramatized tour
    On request, and in the company of professional actors, we can stage a mini-theatrical presentation of the site during a timeless visit.
  • Painting and Graph
    With a professional graffiti artist, children are invited to discover the site from an unusual angle and create a collective work of art, including drawing, painting, frescoes and graphics.


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